- Most people aren't strictly introverted or extroverted, but fall somewhere in between.
- Introverts tend to feel drained after a lot of socializing, while extroverts tend to feel energized.
- There's nothing wrong with being either an introvert or extrovert and there are benefits to each.
- Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice.
You might use a variety of characteristics to describe your personality, including whether you tend toward introversion or extroversion. Renowned Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung is credited for developing these terms, which refer to how a person focuses their energy.
In basic terms, introverted people direct their energy inward to their own feelings and thoughts, while extroverted people direct energy outward to other people and their environment.
Plenty of misconceptions surround these core personality types. Stereotypes often present introverts as naturally withdrawn, shy, and antisocial and extroverts as charismatic, outgoing, boisterous, and assertive.
In reality, personality is far more complex. In fact, most people fall somewhere in between these two types, says Laurel Steinberg, PhD, a licensed psychotherapist in private practice.
Below, experts distinguish between introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts, and offer tips for embracing your personality, however you define it.
What's an introvert?
Contrary to popular belief, introverts don't necessarily dislike socializing — rather, it tends to tire them out.
If you're an introvert, you might feel most energized being alone and even need a rest day from socializing to recalibrate, the same way people need a day off from activity after a vigorous workout, says Aimee Daramus, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist at Urban Balance. That said, you may still deeply value socialization. In fact, a 2015 study found that high-quality relationships play a key role in introverts' overall happiness.
Some signs you may be more introverted, according to Daramus and Steinberg:
- You find it easy to make alone time enjoyable and meaningful.
- You prefer smaller, more intimate gatherings.
- You need to internally process events for longer before sharing thoughts, feelings, and reactions with others.
- You tend to keep your schedule on the lighter side to avoid overstimulation.
- You have very close relationships with a smaller number of friends.
- You spend considerable time internally reflecting on your options before making big decisions.
- You need downtime before and after socializing.
Potential advantages
There are many pros to being an introvert, particularly when it comes to maintaining and strengthening relationships:
- Thoughtfulness: Introverts are often highly self-aware and excellent listeners, says Steinberg — which tends to breed long-lasting relationships.
- Strong observational skills: A 2018 study found that introverts tend to make more accurate observations about human behavior than extroverts. In other words, they may be able to "read" people and understand them better. This is likely because they spend more time observing than interacting, which can make them very insightful, says Jennifer Dragonette, PsyD, Clinical Services Instructor at Newport Healthcare.
- Less impulsive: They also tend to think before speaking, says Dragonette, meaning they're less likely to say something hurtful or unkind out of impulsivity.
Potential disadvantages
- Potential awkwardness in social settings: Introverts may feel awkward in larger groups of people, says Steinberg. Introverts are often misunderstood as well, says Dragonette — people may assume they're unfriendly or aloof due to their more internal, observant nature.
- Difficulty managing emotions: A small 2020 study also found that introverts may have more trouble managing their emotions. Researchers suggested this could happen in part because introverts have a tendency to turn inward to grapple with negative feelings. As a result, they might ruminate or dwell on unwanted emotions, rather than seek help coping with them.
As a result of these traits, introverts might have a slightly harder time making new friends or networking, according to Daramus.
What's an extrovert?
An extrovert is someone who thrives on and is fueled by connecting with others, says Steinberg.
Overall, they place more importance on their social relationships. They still may occasionally need alone time, says Daramus, but they can typically handle less rest between social interactions.
Whereas introverts process things internally, Dragonette says extroverts often prefer to "think out loud" in order to work through problems.
Some signs you may be more extroverted, according to Daramus, Steinberg, and Dragonette:
- You feel energized or refreshed after social events.
- When something big happens, you instantly text or call a friend to unpack it.
- You'd rather work in a group than independently.
- You enjoy talking to strangers.
- You have hobbies that involve social interaction, like a running club or volunteering for an organization.
Potential advantages
Extroverts are often very comfortable and confident in social situations, which can make a strong impression on others. This strength can lead to the following advantages:
- An easier time connecting with new people: Extroverts have no trouble forging connections with people in a variety of situations, from dating to professional networking, says Steinberg.
- A strong drive to achieve goals: A 2019 review linked extroversion to a greater motivation to pursue goals.
- Plenty of social support: Extroverts may benefit from having a large network of friends and acquaintances.
Potential disadvantages
- Fewer close-knit relationships: While extroverts may have many friends, Steinberg says these relationships may not feel as strong, simply because they have so many connections to keep up with.
- Less skilled at listening: Extroverts sometimes enjoy sharing their own thoughts and feelings so much that they may fail to actively listen to others — which can result in more superficial connections, says Daramus.
- Potential to come across as overly aggressive: A 2016 study found that although extroverts can energize their teammates on group projects, they are often seen as domineering in situations that involve conflict.
Comparing the two
Here's a breakdown of the main differences between introverts and extroverts.
Introverts | Extroverts |
Tend to have fewer, very close relationships. |
Tend to have more relationships that are less close. |
Typically feel refreshed after spending time in solitude. |
Typically feel refreshed after spending time with others. |
Generally process thoughts and feelings internally first before sharing. |
Generally process thoughts and feelings with others immediately. |
Thrive doing activities alone or one-on-one. |
Thrive doing activities in groups, especially when meeting new people and trying new things. |
Typically need downtime after socializing. |
Usually don't need much downtime between social situations. |
Tend to think things over carefully before acting. |
Tend to follow impulses. |
Prefer to work in a quiet setting, doing tasks independently. |
Prefer to work in lively settings with opportunities for collaboration. |
What's an ambivert?
Introversion and extroversion exist on a spectrum, experts say, and most people fall somewhere between introversion and extroversion, though they may lean farther in one direction.
Someone who has a balanced mix of introvert and extrovert traits is called an ambivert — a term first coined by American psychologist Edmund D. Conklin in 1923.
In some ways, an ambivert might enjoy the best of both worlds.
Pros of being an ambivert include:
- The ability to oscillate between introvert and extrovert traits: According to Dragonette, ambiverts can feel out a situation and respond according to what's called for — listening and observing like an introvert, or leading the conversation like an extrovert.
- Social agility: Ambiverts are able to function well both independently and interdependently, says Steinberg. They might make new friends easily while also benefiting from the introspection that comes with solitary time. Since ambiverts feel equally comfortable alone as they do with people, they can relate to both introverts and extroverts.
All that said, there is one potential disadvantage. Being an ambivert can become tiring if you become hyper-focused on reading social cues and balancing conversations to ensure everyone feels understood and included, says Dragonette.
Embracing your personality type
There's nothing wrong with being either an introvert or extrovert. Dragonette advises embracing your own unique traits rather than trying to fit into a specific category.
While you may not be able to change your basic personality, you can adopt new habits if your current practices aren't serving you or your goals, says Steinberg.
Introverts, for example, might want to work on developing a more assertive voice in conflict, rather than withdrawing, says Steinberg.
This may involve learning to set boundaries to preserve energy, says Daramus — like leaving a situation that becomes draining or uncomfortable. Or, it may mean learning to express negative feelings through writing when verbal confrontations feel overwhelming.
On the other hand, Steinberg says extroverts might benefit from exploring the benefits of alone time to pursue personal goals, which can boost self-sufficiency and also offer new stories to share with others.
Since extroverts may tend to dominate conversations, Dragonette suggests they practice asking open-ended questions as a way to encourage more introverted loved ones to participate.
Insider's takeaway
Both introversion and extroversion lend themselves to unique strengths.
More introverted people might glean valuable insight into social situations through listening and observing and take advantage of alone time to pursue personal interests and goals. More extroverted people, on the other hand, might find it possible to make new connections and grow a large social network almost effortlessly.
Wherever you fall on this spectrum, just know there's no wrong or right way to be. In other words, you don't need to change your personality. Leaning into your strengths, and actively working to adjust any habits that may be holding you back, can have more of a lasting impact on day-to-day happiness, health, or success.